December 2022
- Four new nodulose-spored species of Inocybe (Agaricales) from West Africa
H.L. Aïgnon, S. Jabeen, A. Verbeken, P.B. Matheny, N.S. Yorou, M. Ryberg. FUSE volume 10: 1-18
supplementary files - New and Interesting Fungi. 5
P.W. Crous, B.A.D. Begoude, J. Boers, U. Braun, B. Declercq, J. Dijksterhuis, T.F. Elliott, G.A. Garay-Rodriguez, Ž. Jurjević, J. Kruse, C.C. Linde, A. Loyd, L. Mound, E.R. Osieck, L.I. Rivera-Vargas, A.M. Quimbita, C.A. Rodas, J. Roux, R.K. Schumacher, M. Starink-Willemse, R. Thangavel, J.M. Trappe, A.L. van Iperen, C. Van Steenwinkel, A. Wells, M.J. Wingfield, N. Yilmaz, J.Z. Groenewald. FUSE volume 10: 19-90
supplementary files - Penicillium poederi and P. tirolense, two new species of section Torulomyces
M. Kirchmair, J. Embacher, D. Heimdörfer, G. Walch, S. Neuhauser. FUSE volume 10: 91-101
supplementary files - Additions to Dendrodacrys and outline of taxa with branched hyphidia in Dacrymycetes (Basidiomycota)
A. Savchenko, J.C. Zamora, R. Alvarenga, U. Kõljalg, O. Miettinen. FUSE volume 10: 103-126
supplementary files - Globisporangium coniferarum sp. nov., associated with conifers and Quercus spp.
F. Salmaninezhad, F. Aloi, A. Pane, R. Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa, S.O. Cacciola. FUSE volume 10: 127-137
supplementary files - Unravelling the fungal darkness in a tropical cave: richness and the description of one new genus and six new species
V.C.S. Alves, R.A. Lira, J.M.S. Lima, R.N. Barbosa, D.M. Bento, E. Barbier, E. Bernard, C.M. Souza-Motta, J.D.P. Bezerra. FUSE volume 10: 139-167
supplementary files - Miracula blauvikensis: a new species of Miracula from Iceland, and report of a co-cultivation system for studying oomycete-diatom interactions
A. Buaya, M. Thines. FUSE volume 10: 169-175 - Fusarium diversity associated with the Sorghum-Striga interaction in Ethiopia
L. Lombard, R. van Doorn, J.Z. Groenewald, T. Tessema, E.E. Kuramae D.W. Etolo J.M. Raaijmakers, P.W. Crous. FUSE volume 10: 177-215
supplementary files - Spirodecosporaceae fam. nov. (Xylariales, Sordariomycetes) and two new species of Spirodecospora
R. Sugita, K. Hirayama, T. Shirouzu, K. Tanaka. FUSE volume 10: 217-229 - Two new species of Phaeohelotium (Leotiomycetes: Helotiaceae) from Chile and their putative ectomycorrhizal status
A.C. Grupe II, M.E. Smith, A. Weier, R. Healy, M.V. Caiafa, D.H. Pfister, D. Haelewaters, C.A. Quandt. FUSE volume 10: 231-249